Hey those who read this! This will be a long random post, so please enjoy! <3
Let's start with my outfit coordination. Waiting for the bus to get to work. Think cowgirl ;)
All I was missing was a cowboy hat. (Tried to edit with Deco Pic on my phone)
Outfit : Plaid top - Discovery Clo.
Jeans - Discovery Clo.
Boots- Goodwill<3
Accessories: Chain earrings - Flea Market
Belt - can't remember for the life of me...
Fox tail - Ebay
Gold bracelet, ring and pinky ring - personal
Cam Whoring:
I loved the outfit I just wish I had a cowboy hat to go with it. Too bad it was 109 degrees out and I can't wear shorts to work. =/
Next are some updates! :
I recently had my nails done. I went to the best place in Milwaukee. Every time I go there they always do such a good job<3 I paid 45$, it was well worth it. The girls there are so creative.
Also I GOT A NEW PHONE! YAY ME!! (no...) I got my tiny hands on Galaxy S III. It is AMAZING! I love everything about it, except that if you don't set the settings right you can drain your battery quickly! I would do a review on this phone but, you see there are just so many features on this phone that I don't even know about yet. So there's no use to do a review on something I don't know everything about yet. I also bought the cutest case to go with it <3
Galaxy S III: (Took off Google)
Phone case: (Bought from Esty)
Cool places: Last but not least, I went to this amazing yogurt place called Orange Leaf.
You make your own yogurt parfait, with ton to choose for flavors, then add toppings, which also was a huge selection. Finally you weighed your parfait and paid buy how much it weighed. I believe it was 79 cents per ounce. When you went inside it was pretty "edgy" looking, you could say, but it was pretty cute anyways.
My parfait =9
Man this post was long and random. Thank you for reading!