So Iv'e recently started playing Magic the Gathering again... Some of you are probably going w.t.f?? In response to your w.t.f, I'm a boss I do what I want. ANYWAYS for those of you who don't know what Magic the Gathering is (MTG for short), a card game with creatures and spells and all that good stuff. Made from the creators of Dungeons and Dragons. It's just something I enjoy doing, no biggie.
So my boyfriend had helped me make a deck with 60 cards in it. Which is usually the amount other people have in their deck some have more. My deck specifically is called a burn deck and the point of it is to take down your opponent in the fastest way by constantly dealing damage to them. you want to kill them by the 5th turn the very latest. It is very aggressive which is why it is categorized under aggro (not sure if spelled right?).
After practicing with my cards for a few weeks I decided to enter a Pro Tour Qualifying event Modern (PTQ for short). Modern means you can used cards that have been cycled out. Before we went This card shop wanted up to sponsor them by wearing their t-shirts with their logo on them at the event. The shop was called Pink Bunny Games. Really they wanted my boyfriend and his friend to wear them because they are really good but we decided to all match. As you can see I didn't really dress up too much because I was already really nervous for this being my first event and it was really cramped in there, but I still had some swagger ;) (no.. just stahp it)
Simply make-up and expression. =P
The event was pretty huge, I think there was 170 people competing and it was over 4 hours. I didn't do so hot. I only went against three people I won the first time in every match then I lost the second and third. There is only a few decks that can totally swamp mine otherwise im good against 75% of opponents I come across. Of course the first three people I went up against made my deck look like a bitch. The first match was against a deck that was just like mine except it splashed black cards instead of just red. Which black does more damage when added with red. The second match was against this guy who put this combination of cards together that gave him infinity life. Fuck that I lost. The third match was against this guy who I got him down to three life but kept drawing the wrong cards till he eventually killed me. My luck sucks.

To wrap it all up I had a lot of fun anyways. I know now how to make my cards better. I'm going to splash in white which does damage and heal with red. Which is going to cost 300$ to do but I can do it over time. I have till September till the next modern event. Then im going to make a standard deck which are cards that are still in the cycle which will cost 400$ but again I have time to do it. Thank you for reading <3